It’s been a long time since the last update!
We were very busy during the summer: work, holidays, personal life…
Progress has been steady but slow.

We fixed a lot of bugs, created new ones (yeah, it’s a never-ending story…), and added the last features. There are now a lot more controls for custom special effects and explosions.
There is also a new feature allowing users to create a parallax scrolling with 5 planes in a few clicks.
We also added a lot of bullet patterns to help users learn and understand how to create their own:

We also added new weapons presets and a lot of Touhou-like bullet patterns. We hope it will help users understand how to create great patterns with the visual Weapon editor!


The SHMUP Creator is now compiled in 64 bits and I also optimized a lot of things in the engine and the editor. Some parts of it, like translating objects, are a lot faster.

I still have 4 or 5 crashes to fix before the end of this year, and they are quite difficult ones… We also need to complete two new in-game tutorials as well as the music of the 2D example game.

You can –>> Wishlist the SHMUP Creator <<– on steam if you like!

See you!

4 Comments so far

  • Shaine • 2021/11/14 at 17:42

    So excited to get my hands on this I’m so so excited!! Thank you for all of your hard work!!

  • Nadir tag • 2021/12/14 at 16:45

    Soooooo when will it be released.
    I hope its before the end of this year.
    Wishing you all the best

    • Suny (dev) • 2021/12/15 at 09:59

      Seems like we are a little bit late: We hope to release the SHMUP Creator in early 2022.

  • Peng • 2021/12/15 at 06:32

    Have you considered Early Access?
    I hope I can buy this tool earlier so that I can build and place assets and objects earlier.